Creating Field Component

Implementation Detail

Here is the based structure of Field Component.

  <th v-if="isHeader"
  <td v-else

import VuetableFieldMixin from 'vuetable-2/src/components/VuetableFieldMixin'

export default {
  mixins: [VuetableFieldMixin],
  • Use the provided VuetableFieldMixin.

    Importing VuetableFieldMixin mixin and define it in the mixins section. This mixin will declare all necessary props for you. These props will get passed to your component by Vuetable.

  • Use <th> tag to render table header and use <td> tag to render table data.

    Use is-header prop together with v-if and v-else to differentiate between table header and table data template. This is still consider as single root as only one tag gets rendered.


    Vuetable uses VuetableRowHeader component to render all table header. If the field definition object is a component, it will activate the component with the :is-header="true".

  • Use vuetable:header-event and vuetable:field-event events

    • To emit event in the code that handles table header section, use vuetable:header-event.
    • To emit event in the code that handles table data section, use vuetable:field-event.

    Vuetable has v-on directive to capture vuetable:header-event and vuetable:field-event events. Vuetable and VuetableRowHeader will relay the event out to Vuetable.

Here are the props declared in VuetableFieldMixin

  • is-header

    • type:Boolean
    • default:false

    Indicate whether Field Component should render the "header" or "data" template section.

  • title

    • type:String
    • default:""

    The title option from field definition object is passed via title prop. You can simply use title prop to render column title if there is no special need other than display the column title.

  • row-data

    • type:Object
    • default:null
  • row-index

    • type:Number
  • row-field

    • type:Object

    The field definition object of this field.


    Remember that you can use field definition object to hold additional data, parameters, or results.

  • vuetable

    • type:Object
    • default:null

    If you need to access the parent Vuetable, use vuetable prop.

    See example in

Using Your Field Component Locally

Normally, you don't need to register Field Component. Just import it and assign it to the name option of the field definition object.

import MyActionComponent from './components/MyActionComponent.vue'

export default [
    name: MyActionComponent,
    title: 'Action`

Registering Field Component Globally

You can also register your Field Component globally via Vue.component(..) and refer to it in the field definition object by its name.

// main.js
import Vue from 'vue'
import MyActionComponent from './components/MyActionComponent.vue'

Vue.component('vuetable-field-action', MyActionComponent)
// FieldsDef.js
export default [
    name: 'vuetable-field-action'

If you name your Field Component with the prefix vuetable-field-, you can even shorten its name in field definition object like this.

// FieldsDef.js
export default [


Vuetable will automatically expand the name that has __ prefix to full name that begins with vuetable-field- during its field normalization.

See also:

Sharing Your Field Component

This should be easy enough as the Field Component is a normal Vue component in a single file component (SFC) format. You should be able to create a NPM package and publish it to

See this "How to Publish & Update a Package" guide to help you getting start publishing your package.

You can also send me a link to your Field Component package, so I can put it on Vuetable repo or even create a separate page for it if there's enough interest.