Fields Definition

Fields definition is an array of field definition object describing which field of the data you want Vuetable to generate to HTML table. It also has various options to let you take full control of how the field data would be displayed.

Fields definition can be defined as simple array of string, array of (field definition) object, or the mix.

  • Fields defined as simple array

    let fields = ['name', 'email', 'birthdate', 'gender']
  • Fields defined as array of object

    let fields = [
        name: 'name',
        sortField: 'name'
        name: 'email',
        title: 'Email Address'
        name: 'birthdate',
        sortField: 'birthdate',
        titleClass: 'center aligned',
        dataClass: 'center aligned',
        name: 'gender',
        sortField: 'gender',
        titleClass: 'center aligned',
        dataClass: 'center aligned',
        formatter (value) {
          return value === 'M' ? 'Male' : 'Female'
  • Fields defined as array of the mix

    let fields = [
        name: 'birthdate',
        sortField: 'birthdate',
        titleClass: 'center aligned',
        dataClass: 'center aligned',
        name: 'gender',
        sortField: 'gender',
        titleClass: 'center aligned',
        dataClass: 'center aligned',
        formatter (value) {
          return value === 'M' ? 'Male' : 'Female'

    During the initialization, Vuetable will convert each field to field definition object containing a number of options with their default values.


    When you define a field as a simple string, that string will be used in the name option indicating the field name in your data structure you want to use. You will not be able to specify other options, e.g. sort, formatter, etc.

    let fields = ['name']
    // will be converted to this
    // let fields = [ { name: 'name' } ]

    You can start with an array of string to get started very quickly, then progressively adding other options later.

Field options


  • Type: String | ComponentDefinition

  • Usage:

    Name of the data field to be displayed or Vue Component definition.

    The name can also be the name of a globally registered Field Component, a Field Component definition, or a slot name defined inside <vuetable> tag.

    If the name is of type String, Vuetable to check in the following order:

    • if the name is begins with __ (double underscore) or vuetable-fields- (fieldPrefix), then it is a Field Component.
    • if there is a scoped slot of that name defined inside <vuetable> tag, then it is a Field Slot
    • otherwise, it defaults to column name in the data

    See example on CodeSandbox

  • See also:


  • Type: String

  • Usage:

    Usually, it will be the same as name option. But you can specify different value if you use different field name when querying data on the server side, e.g. firstname.

    If specified, the field will be marked as sortable. Vuetable will display appropriate clickable icon after the field title. Vuetable will also make a new request to the server with the sort=<sortField> query string appended.

    See example on CodeSandbox


  • Type: String | Function

  • Usage:

    If you would like to specify the title yourself, you can put it in here. Otherwise, vuetable will try to guess it from the name option instead.

    You can even put the icon class in the title, see example below

    //.. example using Semantic UI icon class
      name: 'birthdate',
      title: '<i class="orange birthday icon"></i> Birthdate'

    If it is a function, Vuetable will call it and use the returned value as the column title. This is useful for i18n to return localized text version.

    See example on CodeSandbox, i18n example


  • Type: String

  • Usage:

    The css class you would like to apply for the title of this field.

    See example on CodeSandbox


  • Type: String

  • Usage:

    The css class you would like to apply for the data of this field.

    See example on CodeSandbox


  • Type: Function

  • Usage:

    The formatter function to be called by Vuetable to format the value of the column to be displayed.


    This is almost the same as the callback option in previous verison of Vuetable-2. It was renamed to formatter to better indicate its purpose.

    The formatter function will recieve the following parameters from Vuetable, and it must return the value that Vuetable will be used to display in that column.

    • value -- value of the field
    • vuetable -- a reference to Vuetable itself
      This makes it possible to separate the fields definition to a separate file while still allowing it to have access to Vuetable functionality when needed.

    Here is the example of a field defining a formatter function.




    // define as a function reference.
    // in this case, function `gender` must be defined in the `methods` section.
      name: 'gender',
      formatter: gender
    // or, a reference to a function defined in other place
      name: 'gender',
      formatter: Util.formatGender
    // define as inline function
      name: 'gender',
      formatter: (value) => (value === 'M') ? 'Male' : 'Female'

    In this case, if the value of the gender field gets passed to the formatter function is M, it will return Male. Vuetable will display Male for this field instead of M.

    See example on CodeSandbox


  • Type: Boolean

  • Usage:

    Whether this field should be visible or hidden when rendering the table.


  • Type: String

  • Usage:

    The width of the column, e.g. '200px', '10%', '2rem'.

    The given value will be applied to the specified field on both table header and data.

    See example on CodeSandbox


    When using fixed header feature of Vuetable, you should always set the width for each field as it will make the column table looks more consistent.


  • Type: Number

  • Usage:

    The $_index option gets inserted automatically by Vuetable to indicate the position of the field in Fields defintion array. This can be useful when using Vuetable's function to hide/show specific fields as it requires the index position of the field.

Referencing Nested JSON Data

If the JSON data structure contains nested objects, eg:


    "id": 1,
    "name": "xxxxxxxxx",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "group_id": 1,
    "address" {
      "street_address":"123 abc place",
    "id": 50,
    "name": "xxxxxxxxx",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "group_id": 3,
    "address" {
      "street_address":"456 xyz street",

In this case, the column names of nested objects can be specified in the following format:

let columns = ['name', 'email', '', '']

Attaching other data to Field Definition Object

You can use field definition object to store any key-value data specific to each field. Vuetable only use the options described above. The rest will be copied into tableFields (internal array of field definition objects).


When Vuetable passes the field object to Field Component or Field Slot, those additional key-value data will also be available for any usage.

See example on CodeSandbox